King Tide Advisors

Marine Contractors Insurance

Whether your client is constructing a seawall, repairing a bridge, or building a marina, Legacy Underwriters provides comprehensive insurance solutions for marine contractors working across Florida and the Gulf Coast. Our A-Rated carriers offer everything from general liability and contractors’ equipment coverage to hull insurance and waterborne protection. We understand the risks involved in marine construction, and our policies are designed to give your clients the protection they need, allowing them to focus on what they do best. Let us help you find the right coverage for your clients’ marine projects.

Marine Contractors Insurance

Whether your client is constructing a seawall, repairing a bridge, or building a marina, Legacy Underwriters provides comprehensive insurance solutions for marine contractors working across Florida and the Gulf Coast. Our A-Rated carriers offer everything from general liability and contractors’ equipment coverage to hull insurance and waterborne protection. We understand the risks involved in marine construction, and our policies are designed to give your clients the protection they need, allowing them to focus on what they do best. Let us help you find the right coverage for your clients’ marine projects.

Marine Contractors Insurance

Custom Coverage for Every Journey

A lifeboat is being lifted out of the water
An oil rig in the middle of the ocean at sunset.

 Our A-Rated Admitted carriers offer solutions for Marine Contractors that perform variety of jobs, throughout Florida and the Gulf Coast States, including:


  • Wharf and Bulkhead Construction
  • Breakwater and RipRap Construction
  • Harbor and Marina Construction
  • Bridge Maintenance and Repair
  • Dock Builders
  • Jetty Work
  • Seawall Construction
A man and a woman are walking in front of a house.

We Offer

We offer the following coverages (and more!):

A stick figure is carrying a bag of money on his back.


A black and white drawing of a construction worker wearing a hard hat and smiling.


It is a black and white icon of a battery.

Hull Insurance and Watercraft Liability (protection and indemnity)

A black and white drawing of an umbrella on a white background.


A black and white drawing of a wrench and a gear.

Contractors Equipment with Waterborne Coverage

A black and white drawing of a flame on a white background.


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